Natural Hardwood Floors in Downriver, Michigan
While today’s flooring market is flooded with new luxury vinyl tile flooring (lvt flooring) products, solid hardwood flooring is always in style. There is nothing more beautiful than the sheen and depth of natural hardwood floors.
Natural Hardwood Floors in Downriver, Michigan
We are your trusted source for information as it pertains to home improvement and remodeling projects involving the flooring of your home. LVT Flooring Michigan is your go-to source for everything ‘flooring’ for a long time. Let us discover together the possibilities of natural hardwood flooring in downriver, Michigan.
Homes and Residences in Downriver, Michigan
Neighborhoods and cities in downriver Michigan are home to some of the oldest most traditional residences in southeastern Michigan. These cities include but are not limited to:
- Trenton
- Southgate
- Grosse Ile
- Woodhaven and
- Wyandotte
Natural hardwood floors in downriver, Michigan are commonplace in most homes. When these homes were built, installation of hardwood flooring was not meant to impress. Hardwood is simply what was available. Unfinished and prefinished woods such as:
- Maple
- Oak
- Walnut
- and, Hickory
were the norm. Things have not changed much relative to the woods available. What has changed is the process the wood goes through before it is made available to consumers.
Things have not changed much relative to the woods available.
Wood is engineered to perfection. This includes the construction of the wood and the finishes and staining that gives color, style and durability to the wood flooring. Today’s hardwood is one of the many flooring options offered in the high tech, competitive lvt flooring industry.
Services Needed for Hardwood Floors
Hardwood floors are very durable and tend to last a lifetime with proper care. It goes without saying that hardwood floors are truly classic and don’t go out of style.
They require services though that some of the other lvt flooring do not need. When hardwood flooring has been covered by carpeting or other materials, they can be uncovered and brought back to life easily, any time.
Here is a listing of some of the services you might consider if you have hardwood floors or were thinking about installing natural hardwood flooring.
- Sanding
- Refinishing
- Repairs to Floors and Subflooring
- Addition of Finishes
- Dust Control
‘Dustless’ sanding is a state-of-the-art process. Don’t be fooled though. While there are many technological advances in floor sanding, it is almost impossible for sanding to be “dust free”.
Regardless, sanding is a good way to freshen up or bring your hardwood floor back to life with minimal mess and time. Sanding your hardwood floor lasts a long time. It is estimated to last 10-15 years.
‘Dustless’ sanding is a state-of-the-art process. Don’t be fooled though. While there are many technological advances in floor sanding, it is almost impossible for sanding to be “dust free”.
Refinishing is the next service for consideration. Floor finishes are strong, long lasting and add color and even the look of texture to your newly sanded floor. An additional ‘pro’ is that finishes can dry fast and are easy to maintain. Be sure to ask before committing to refinishing your natural hardwood flooring.
Repairs to your floor or subfloors may be needed. Your floor supports a lot of weight and for a long time. It should be checked for weaknesses. This is an important service offered by reputable and experienced flooring companies.
Finishes and coatings can be added to your current floors with minimal preparation. The hardwood flooring needs a clean dry surface. In a short time, it can have a new color, texture or sheen. There are limitless possibilities and this is the least costly option.
Dust control involves cleaning, maintenance and the use of area rugs in high traffic areas. If you can cut down on dust, dirt and debris, this would be the best. A ‘shoes off’ policy is one of the best quick solutions. Placing area rugs throughout is a nice decorating option and captures dirt and dust.
Installation of Natural Hardwood Flooring
If you decide to install natural hardwood flooring, be sure to research and consider the types of hardwood available. Hardwood can be solid or engineered wood.
Engineered hardwood is a combination of planks of wood, pressed and glued together in an overlapping pattern. Solid hardwood on the other hand is single, solid wood milled to the point of being one single solid board.
Environmental changes cause both wood types to react quite differently. The engineered hardwood is more durable and has a stronger tolerance overall to moisture changes. The overlapping pattern of the planks of wood result in greater strength.
Solid, natural hardwood is very sensitive to moisture changes. It is always a good idea to install a humidifier in your home when you elect to have solid hardwood flooring. This will help maintain the level of moisture in the air throughout climate changes.
If solid hardwood is your choice you might even consider the species of the wood. Some solid hardwood is more resistant to moisture than others.
This is an overview of some thoughts and considerations when your lvt flooring home improvement project involves hardwood flooring. Whether your home is in Trenton, Michigan, Grosse Ile or any other city in the downriver, Michigan vicinity, you will want to gather all the facts and information available. Please come to our site regularly, http://www.lvtflooringmichigan.com.