
Luxury Vinyl Tile Flooring Michigan: Find the Perfect Flooring

The flooring in your home is as important as the roof on your house.  While the roof protects you, your family and the contents of your home, your flooring provides stability and comfort, room to room, throughout your home.

With technology constantly evolving, so does the products and materials available to builders and contractors for home improvements.  Luxury vinyl tile flooring, also known as LVTF, is in this category. 

At Luxury Vinyl Tile Flooring Michigan, we keep you ‘in the know’ about LVTF.  It is our goal to help you find the perfect flooring for your home regardless of its location in your home.

Where can you use luxury vinyl tile flooring in your home?

The truth is, there are not many rooms in your home LVTF is not useful or suitable.  This means LVTF can be easily used in your:


  • Kitchen
  • Bathrooms
  • Basement
  • Bedrooms
  • Family and Living Rooms
  • Dining Room
  • Laundry Room
  • And many other spaces such as a Home Office, Study or Library


Luxury Vinyl Tile Flooring Pros and Cons

The ‘pros’ to LVTF are clear and objective based on the construction and make up of the flooring product.

  1. It is a cost effective option for flooring.
  1. It can have the look of natural stone and ceramic.
  1. The construction of the product lends to its strength and durability.
  1. It is comfortable.
  1. It is easy to maintain and clean.

The cost effectiveness of LVTF is simple.  Today’s advancement in manufacturing techniques have allowed for the creation of a flooring product that looks ‘real’ and ‘natural’.  LVTF looks like real ceramic tiles or like natural stone.  Ceramic and stone tiles used in flooring in their natural state are significantly higher in cost.

Yes, natural stone and ceramic are in fact strong.  There are three layer, however, to LVTF.  The base layer is about 2/3 of the tile.  It is made of an eco friendly material which offers not just flexibility for comfort but a type of dimensional stability for strength and durability.  This layer is key to the resistance of impact as well as moisture penetration.

The top layer known commonly as the finish layer usually incudes a topcoat.  The topcoat in itself has strength.  It allows for the ease of cleaning and maintaining the flooring while resisting mold and mildew forming moisture.  The smoothness of the finish layer also is credited for some of the comfort of LVTF.

With all these ‘pros’, what if any are the ‘cons’ to LVTF?

The ‘cons’ of LVTF are in the proper care of the flooring.  Though LVTF has a finish layer that is mostly strong, without proper care to protect this layer such as felt pads on the bottom of furniture legs, the flooring may scratch or dent.

It is advised to avoid using castors or rollers on the flooring.   With the weight of furniture and these fixtures, denting and damage to the flooring is greatly increased.  In addition, loose dirt can cause abrasions to the floor’s surface.  It is advised that certain LVTF be swept regularly to minimize this potential for damage.

Overall, our experts at Luxury Vinyl Tile Flooring Michigan feel the ‘pros’ outweigh the ‘cons’ to including luxury vinyl tile flooring in your home.  With our experience and knowledge and your desire for state-of-the-art home improvement and remodeling ideas, we recommend LVTF for most rooms in your home.

If you have specific questions relative to the flooring in your home, please send your inquiries to info@lvtflooringmichigan.com.  One of our LVTF specialists will respond timely and thoroughly.

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