Home Pros Plymouth Flooring
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Is Luxury Vinyl Flooring in Ann Arbor Michigan A Good Choice For Your Home?

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” When it comes to the flooring in your home that statement is very true. Installing new flooring in your home can give it that new and shiny look but what about in 5 years from now. Will the flooring still look great and give that great first impression? If you choose luxury vinyl tile flooring in Ann Arbor Michigan then the chances are good that the floor will look exactly the same 5 years from the day of installation as the same when it was first installed. The durability of luxury vinyl tile flooring and it’s ability to keep it’s appearance is one of the best features of this popular flooring.

Is Luxury Vinyl Flooring in Ann Arbor Michigan A Good Choice For Your Home?

Whether its public spaces that are used frequently, or interiors resilient luxury vinyl tile floors are versatile and easy to use. Exotic, luxurious or modern wood and stone patterns come in a variety of forms and have an appearance that is indistinguishable from the truth. In fact, LVT flooring can mimic almost every type of flooring on the market today. So is Vinyl siding a good choice for your home in Ann Arbor Michigan? We’ll take a closer look at luxury vinyl tile flooring to determine if it’s a good fit for your home.

Is Luxury Vinyl Flooring in Ann Arbor Michigan A Good Choice For Your Home?

One of the most preferred floor materials were on the market in the 1970’s because of their excellent designs, ease of cleaning and ease of care is vinyl flooring. Today, an improved model of this flooring exists and is luxury vinyl tile flooring. Luxury vinyl tile flooring do not cause any disturbing and environmentally harmful problems such as noise, dust or odors during use. And if there is a problem with the luxury vinyl tile flooring individual tiles can be replaced rather than an entirely new flooring project being needed.

What are the advantages of Luxury Vinyl Tile Flooring?

The luxury vinyl tiled floor is extremely resistant to scratches and damage. In fact, it’s one of the most durable flooring choices that holds up very well over time. Even it’s appearance will remain the same in high traffic areas which may be problematic for other flooring choices. Luxury vinyl tile flooring is quiet, warm and does not overload the structural components of the floor because of weight. The floor, with its elastic surface, reduces the noise level when walking, and the comfort it offers when walking does not overload the joints, leaving the feet warm.

Why should you prefer luxury vinyl tile flooring in your house?

Luxury vinyl tile flooring is a PVC-based and very hygienic due to their antibacterial properties. For this reason, they are particularly preferred in hospitals and even in operating theaters. In addition, the homes blend well with places such as the hallway and nursery rooms due to their rich patterns and color options and the soft feel of the feet. They can be easily combined with decorations that appeal to different tastes, thanks to the fact that they have more color and design options than any other floor covering. The vinyl material is also recyclable and environmentally friendly and can be produced at low energy costs.

Here are some more reasons why you should have luxury vinyl tile flooring installed in your Ann Arbor Michigan home:

  • Resistant to abrasion and most household chemicals.
  • It does not burn.
  • It is not affected by sunlight and does not fade.
  • It is suitable for flooring heating in some applications.
  • Resistant to bacterial, insect and rodent damages.
  • It offers heat and sound insulation for the home.
  • Recycled and respectful of the environment.
  • Creates a seamless, dense and compact surface.
  • Easy to clean, hygienic.
  • Does not require extended maintenance.
  • It has a wide range of colors and designs to choose from.
  • Easily repaired if needed.

Get a Quote on Installing New Luxury Vinyl Tile Flooring in your Home

Want to take advantage of this great flooring choice for your home? Be sure to call A2 Home Pros today to discuss your flooring project in Ann Arbor Michigan. Call A2 Home Pros today for a free, no obligation consultation at 734-548-9910 to discuss your flooring needs.


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